Workplace Investigations for Virginia Employees

Our DC-Metropolitan Based Law Firm Specializes in Employment, Security Clearance, and Retirement Law.

When an employee has been accused of engaging in workplace misconduct, an employer will sometimes conduct an administrative or internal investigation. Some reasons why employers investigate employees include discrimination complaints, threats against others, safety problems, whistleblower allegations and workplace theft. This article focuses on workplace investigations for Virginia employees. We represent Virginia employees in all types of workplace investigations and employment law matters. Workplace Investigation

Importance of Workplace Investigations

When serious allegations arise in the Virginia workplace, it is very important for an employer to retain a neutral and knowledgable investigator. This is especially so with respect to sexual harassment allegations, where such employer action can be required. Employers are faced with numerous legal risks if they do not conduct an investigation or otherwise fail to adequately investigate the behavior of their employees. For instance, in addition to sexual harassment and discrimination claims, other claims for negligent hiring and retention are being brought in larger numbers. Additionally, a workplace investigation may involve a whistleblower complaint and must be addressed. As a result, employers conduct investigations far more regularly in Virginia than they have in the past.

Purpose of Workplace Investigations

The purpose of workplace investigations is for an employer to gather relevant evidence. The do so to determine the validity of the complaint. If it is based on an employee’s alleged misconduct, the purpose is to determine whether the misconduct warrants a disciplinary or an adverse action (e.g., termination or significant suspension) within the requirements established by law, policy, or regulation or with respect to the employer’s own liability. Occasionally, these types of investigations can lead to a potential criminal investigation. Depending on whether the employer is federal, public sector or a private employer, a supervisor or other designated investigator may be asked to conduct an investigation regarding the facts at issue.

Employees may then be asked to provide verbal or written responses to questions regarding the alleged misconduct. Additionally, an investigation can result in various consequences, such as termination, suspension or loss of a security clearance, where applicable. The purpose in an employment discrimination investigation is to determine whether or not the allegations are credible.

Hiring an Investigator

Once a workplace investigation is required, the next step is for the employer to identify who will conduct the investigation as the investigator. Government employers generally have their own investigators (e.g. Office of Inspector General) and merely assign one or two investigators to a case to evaluate the conduct of employees. However, in the private sector (which covers the vast majority of employees) an investigator must be hired to conduct the investigation. This task is often completed by hiring a law firm and designating an attorney to conduct the administrative investigation. Many law firms conduct these types of investigations. Our firm typically only represents employees in investigations where the employer seeks to question them. There are numerous other law firms that represent employers in these matters. When being interviewed by an employer’s lawyer it is critical to have your own attorney.

Employee Duty to Cooperate

During an investigation, an investigator (i.e. the law firm) will be hired to conduct a workplace investigation. They will review documents (e.g. complaints, emails, documents) related to the investigation and interview witnesses. Depending on the breadth of the investigation, it can involve interviews of numerous employees. Employees, depending on their particular employer, may have a duty to fully cooperate with an assigned investigator. They may also be able to decline to participate in the investigation unless they are ordered to participate. For example, some Virginia employees may decline to participate in an administrative investigation if it is voluntary. The investigator may also order a complete search of the employee’s computer and work emails.

Refusing to cooperate with an investigation or providing false statements or answers during an investigation can be grounds for disciplinary action. Providing false statements, if made to a federal or other law enforcement investigator, can also subject an employee to potential criminal penalties. For private sector employees in Virginia, not cooperating in an employment investigation can lead to disciplinary action or termination in some cases.

Employer Risks in Not Conducting Investigations

Internal or administrative investigations can also involve risks for the employer. If claims are made by employees, inadequate workplace investigations may raise questions regarding the accuracy of the results or whether the employee was treated fairly. In addition, the employer may not like what the investigation uncovers and will have an obligation to resolve or address issues, such as a systemic problem or legal impropriety. Additionally, as mentioned above, if an investigation is not undertaken an employer can be potentially liable for their negligence of complicity in not addressing the workplace issues.

Consider Legal Advice and Representation

Prior to providing information to an employer, depending on the severity of the issues under investigation, it can be important for an employee to discuss with an attorney the issues involved. It is important to determine the scope of the investigation and what legal issues may come into play for the employee. Keep in mind that an investigation being conducted by a private employer’s lawyer is likely looking for misconduct. The employer generally is not looking for reasons to exonerate the employee. An attorney familiar with administrative or internal investigations can provide legal advice to assist an employee in preparation for responding to questions about his or her actions in the matter being investigated. In addition, an attorney, in many circumstances, can often accompany the employee during any investigative interviews.

Contact Us

If you need assistance with issues related to an investigation in the workplace or other employment law issues, please contact our office at 703-668-0070 or at to schedule a consultation. 

Our Virginia Employment Lawyers defend Virginia employees in employment investigations involving employee alleged misconduct. This article talks about the issues involved when an employer conducts an investigation in the workplace. Virginia employers (and employers in other states) usually conduct workplace investigations into employee complaints because they can face legal consequences (or more severe consequences) if they do not do so. As an example, if an individual alleges sex harassment / discrimination in the workplace and the claims are not investigated, an employer can be more readily held liable by employees affected by the conduct. The same type of investigation is necessary when dealing with claims of whistleblowing or other alleged inappropriate conduct at work.

The Steps in a Workplace Investigation

The beginning of the process starts with an employee complaint about misconduct in the workplace. This can happen where the employee reports it through a supervisor or other management personnel.  Once reported, the misconduct complaint can lead to an investigation. Almost always, in most employment investigations, the employer will hire an outside law firm (or occasionally use internal attorneys) to conduct an employment investigation and will act as the investigator. Once the investigator is appointed, they will start their investigation. Keep in mind that the employer’s goal in these investigations is to minimize liability for the employer. The complaining employee may also be represented by legal counsel.

While an investigator may find an individual employee at fault, the investigator usually wants to conclude and document that there was no fault on the part of an employer. The following steps usually take place in an employer investigation:

  1. An employees files a workplace complaint;
  2. An investigator is usually hired or appointed to investigate the complaint;
  3. The investigator will review the complaint and plan for a thorough investigation;
  4. The investigator will review any documentation or emails or other evidence available to prepare for interviews;
  5. The investigator will interview the complainant or complainants about the conduct complained of;
  6. The investigator will interview the employees with knowledge of the issues in the complaint;
  7. The investigator interviews the accused employee or employees for their side of the story;
  8. The investigator conducts follow-up interviews of any witnesses as needed and ties up lose ends;
  9. The investigator issues a final report with recommendations to an employer; and
  10. The employer will take action based on the findings in the report, usually referred to as a Report of Investigation or ROI.

Results of Workplace Investigation

Once the employer’s investigation is over, the results and actions taken by the employer can vary. A formal report is usually prepared, along with recommendations on actions to be potentially taken. The investigation can result in the termination or other discipline for an accused employee. The investigation can also vindicate the accused employee. In either event, an employer must be careful in avoiding retaliation against a complaining employee, even when their complaint is found to not be justified. Each investigation is different, and different employers vary in how they handle workplace investigations. The proper handling of an employment investigation can protect employees in the workplace from potential disciplinary action.


If an employee or employer needs assistance with an employment investigation or other issue, please contact our office at 703-668-0070 or at to schedule a consultation. Our law firm also authors the Virginia Employment Law Blog.

If you wish to explore legal representation, please call our office or use this form to inquire about our consultation process.

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