Federal Retirement Law

Our DC-Metropolitan Based Law Firm Specializes in Employment, Security Clearance, and Retirement Law.

Federal Employee Retirement Lawyers For Over 25 Years

Our federal employee retirement lawyers represent current and former federal employees nationwide in retirement issues before OPM. We are located in the Metropolitan, Washington, DC area. We are one of the few law firms that dedicates a special practice to federal employment retirement law. Our federal retirement attorneys have significant experience practicing before OPM and the various federal agencies and before the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). We have received numerous awards for our work. We also teach continuing legal education courses to other lawyers in the area of federal retirement law. 

Federal employees retirement system FERS

Worldwide Federal Employee Retirement Representation

We have always represented federal employees in their retirement matters nationwide. If your federal employee matter is in New York or in Virginia, we are able to represent you on federal employee issues. It is fairly common for us to represent federal employees in Europe, Asia and in other areas of the world. We also now conduct a variety of meetings by videoconference programs, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Protecting Former and Current Federal Employee Retirement Rights

Our goal is to protect your federal employee retirement rights in our practice. Other firms often focus on serving as many people as possible in federal retirement cases, often using non-attorneys to facilitate the process. When federal employees consult with us, they meet with an experienced federal employee retirement attorney who is able to go over their individual cases and suggest solutions.

Our Background

Kimberly Berry, Esq., the firm’s managing partner focuses on federal employee retirement issues before OPM and has done so since mid-2000s. Our senior associate and associate attorneys are well-versed in these federal employee retirement cases. Our goal has been to combine our federal employee retirement experience of many years and thousands of cases to provide the best solutions in federal employee retirement.

Contact Us

We offer a full set of legal services to protect your federal employee retirement rights. To schedule an initial consultation with one of our federal retirement lawyers, please contact us at (703) 668-0070 or by visiting our website’s contact us page.

If you wish to explore legal representation, please call our office or use this form to inquire about our consultation process.

Call Us Today!703-668-0070

Office Location

Plaza America
11700 Plaza America Drive
Suite 305
Reston, VA 20190

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