
Our DC-Metropolitan Based Law Firm Specializes in Employment, Security Clearance, and Retirement Law.

Court-Ordered Benefits

What Federal Employees and Retirees Need to Know About Dividing Federal Retirement and Other Benefits During Divorce

Attorney Kimberly H. Berry discusses issues pertaining to court orders that award retirement and other benefits to former spouses of retired federal employees in the January 2018 issue of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) magazine.

Divorce and Federal Employee Retirement Benefits

Federal employees and their spouses should be aware of the special rules governing federal retirement benefits while negotiating the terms of their divorce.

OPM’s Role In Martial Property Benefits

Federal employees need to be aware of unique federal retirement issues before resolving divorce matters in state courts.

Creditable Service

Redeposit Issues Affecting Federal Employee Annuitants

Former federal employees who retire prior to reaching the minimum retirement age or required length of service and withdraw from their retirement contributions based on misinformation can potentially redeposit their retirement contributions.

Discrimination and EEO

Federal Employee EEO Investigations

What happens during the federal employee EEO complaint investigation process.

How do Employees Prove a Hostile Work Environment?

Hostile Work Environment claims for employees are discussed in this article.

Changes to Employment Sexual Orientation Laws and Enforcement

Until the last few years, employees had very few, if any, protections from discrimination in the workplace due to their sexual orientation. However, there have been some significant changes to sexual orientation discrimination laws and enforcement in recent years.

Federal Adverse And Disciplinary Actions

Representing Federal Employees in Misconduct Investigations

The importance of hiring a federal employment attorney for federal employee investigations

Responding to Proposed Disciplinary Actions

When federal employees receive proposed disciplinary actions, there are a number of important issues that they must consider before submitting a response.

Indefinite Suspension for Federal Employees

Federal employees facing indefinite suspension without pay must be provided with a written notice, an opportunity to respond, and due process.

Performance Improvement Plans for Federal Employees

Federal employees facing a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) should take the process very seriously.

The Douglas Factor Defense for Federal Employees

One of the most important areas in defending federal employees in agency disciplinary and adverse action cases involves arguing the application of the Douglas factors.

Defending Federal Employees in Disciplinary Cases

Approximately 20,000 federal employees are subject to disciplinary actions a year. Our nationwide federal employee lawyers represent federal employees in these disciplinary cases before their federal agencies. Each disciplinary action defense is unique and should be evaluated by attorneys familiar with federal employment law.

Federal Employment Issues

Representing Federal Employees in the Grievance Process

Our law firm represents federal employees in the grievance process. Most, if not all federal agencies have their own federal employee grievance procedures for employees who wish to bring employment disputes forward for resolution.

Filing Complaints at the Office of Special Counsel

Our lawyers represent individuals before the Office of Special Counsel in complaints, whistleblower retaliation and Hatch Act defense cases.

Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA)


Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act (FERCCA) errors can arise when a federal employee experiences a break in service, especially during the mid-1980s when the Federal Employees Retirement Systems (FERS) plan was created.

Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)

Appealing Suspensions to the MSPB

Federal employee considerations when appealing suspensions to the MSPB.

Are You Representing Yourself at the MSPB?

Federal employees who represent themselves in their own Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) appeal should know that the process is very similar to court proceedings and has a number of legal technicalities.

The Importance of Discovery During an MSPB Appeal

It is important for a federal employee to take advantage of the discovery process during an MSPB appeal by utilizing Production Requests.  The amount of information that one can uncover through this process can make all the difference in pursuing a successful appeal.

What to Expect During an MSPB Hearing

This article focuses on what federal employees can expect during a typical MSPB hearing.

Due Process Issues in MSPB Cases for Federal Employees

Before federal employees can be disciplined for alleged misconduct or performance deficiencies, they are entitled to due process of law.

Settlement Agreements at the MSPB

Settlement agreements at the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) often occur. These settlements relate to appeals filed by federal employees against their federal agencies.

The MSPB Pre-Hearing Process

During the litigation of MSPB appeals, the pre-hearing written submission and pre-hearing conference are important.

Appealing a Final Federal Agency Decision: MSPB vs. Arbitration

When federal employees receive a final federal agency decision sustaining a removal or significant suspension of 15 days or more, there are two possible options if they want to appeal the final decision.

Taking Depositions of Relevant Witnesses at the MSPB

Deposing key witnesses during an MSPB appeal can potentially increase a federal employee’s ability to obtain a positive settlement or hearing result in a case if important facts are uncovered during the process.

A Federal Employee’s Guide to Burden of Proof Issues at the MSPB

It is important for federal employees to understand how a federal agency will attempt to prove its allegations against them during an MSPB Appeals hearing process.

The Completion and Submission of an MSPB Appeal

Federal employees who plan to initiate an MSPB appeal should file in a timely manner and follow proper guidelines.

OPM Disability Retirement

Disability Retirement and Position Descriptions for Federal Employees

Position Description issues in OPM disability retirement

5 Important Questions to Consider Before Applying for OPM Disability Retirement

The following five questions identify a few of the initial considerations that federal employees should examine when determining whether they should pursue OPM disability retirement.

Disability Retirement in the Federal Sector

Federal employees considering disability retirement should seek legal advice early to avoid potential mistakes.

Security Clearance

Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals Security Clearance Hearings

Understanding the process involved in the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) hearing process.

The Whole-Person Concept in Security Clearance Cases

Understanding the Whole-Person Concept in Security Clearance Cases

Responding to the Statement of Reasons in a Security Clearance Matter

Responding in a timely and accurate fashion to a Statement of Reasons can provide a federal employee or government contractor with the best opportunity to mitigate security concerns raised in connection with a security clearance.

Security Clearance: The Duty to Self-Report

Federal employees and contractors holding a security clearance have a duty to self-report serious security concerns or they will risk losing their security clearance.

Disclosing Criminal Violations in the Security Clearance Process

Federal agencies may consider disclosing an individual’s criminal violations to law enforcement if investigators or polygraphers come across them in the security clearance process.

Psychological Conditions and Security Clearances

There are a number of security concerns relating to psychological conditions that can be potentially mitigated if the right evidence is presented.

Requesting Reconsideration After a Security Clearance is Denied

When federal government contractors lose their security clearance or are unsuccessful in obtaining one, the most common question they ask is “When can I reapply for one?”

8 Tips for the Security Clearance Process

8 tips for federal employees and government contractors when facing security clearance issues.

Meeting With Security Clearance Investigators

Preparation for the initial security clearance meeting with an investigator can make the difference between a government contractor/federal employee successfully obtaining a security clearance or being denied a security clearance.

A Summary of the Security Clearance Appeals Process

When an individual receives a security clearance denial, there are a number of appellate options for federal employees and government contractors.

Seeking Information Regarding Security Clearance Incident Reports

When government contractors and federal employees encounter problems in attempting to resolve Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) Incident Reports, the first step is to formally request a copy of all of their security documents.

Polygraph Examinations for Federal Employees and Contractors

Federal employees and government contractors may be expected to undergo a polygraph examination in connection with their security clearance process.

The Importance of Properly Completing Security Clearance Forms

When security clearance issues arise or if there is reason for concern when completing a security clearance application, individuals should seek advice from an attorney prior to submitting the application.

Suitability Appeals for Federal Employees and Government Contractors

When federal employees, government contractors or applicants face suitability appeals or issues in connection with their employment they should consult a suitability attorney.

Criminal Conduct and Security Clearance Cases

An article on how criminal conduct can impact security clearances.

Virginia Employment Law

Virginia Prohibits Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Virginia Makes Sexual Orientation Discrimination Illegal

Independent Contractors and Non-Compete Agreements

Independent Contractors and Non-Compete Agreements in Virginia

Non-Compete Agreements in Virginia for Independent Contractors

Non-compete agreements in Virginia for Independent Contractors

Severance Agreements in Virginia

Severance Agreement Tips in Virginia

Filing Sexual Harassment Complaints in Virginia

Filing complaints of sexual harassment for Virginia employees.

Final Wages Owed to Virginia Employees Must Be Paid

In Virginia, final wages to former employees must be paid in a timely manner.

Fairfax County Office of Human Rights Complaints

This article discusses the legal issues that arise for employees in Fairfax County filing discrimination complaints before the Fairfax County Office of Human Rights.

Employee Access to Personnel Files in Virginia

This article discusses the ability of employees in Virginia to review and/or obtain a copy of their personnel file.

Virginia Non-Compete Agreements for Employees

This article discusses the legal issues that arise for Virginia employees faced with signing a non-compete agreement.

Wrongful Termination in Virginia

A number of legal issues arise for Virginia employees when they face wrongful termination.

8 Tips When Facing Virginia Employment Law Problems

It is important for employees who are experiencing workplace problems in Virginia to keep focused while issues are developing and to follow 8 general guidelines.

Virginia’s Grievance Process for State Employees

Employees who are employed by an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia and file an initial grievance to resolve an employment dispute will proceed through a 3-step grievance process.

If you wish to explore legal representation, please call our office or use this form to inquire about our consultation process.

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