Welcome to the law firm of Berry and Berry, PLLC in the Metropolitan, Washington D.C. area where we specialize in the nationwide legal representation of individuals in security clearance matters. We take our responsibilities to clients very seriously in attempting to help them keep or obtain security clearances. We often represent security clearance holders or applicants in different areas of the country, or even internationally to defend them.
Please visit our main law firm webpage at www.berrylegal.com. We provide legal advice and representation to federal employees, military personnel and government contractors regarding their security clearances. We represent clearance applicants and holders at all steps of the security clearance process, from legal advice prior to completing their initial clearance questionnaires to the final steps of the appeals process, if needed.
We represent clearance holders and applicants before all federal agencies. Our goal is to represent individuals effectively before security clearance authorities, while at the same time understanding that security clearance issues are not always easy to discuss. Discussions with attorneys in the firm are privileged and confidential. The law firm’s founder, John V. Berry, Esq. teaches other attorneys about the security clearance process through continuing legal education courses in multiple states.
We are also members of the Security Clearance Lawyers Association. Please visit our website, www.berrylegal.com and feel free to contact us at (703) 668-0070 or through our contact page should you wish to schedule a time to discuss your individual security clearance issues. You can also visit our security clearance blog where we cover and review legal issues for clearance holders and applicants.