
Our DC-Metropolitan Based Law Firm Specializes in Employment, Security Clearance, and Retirement Law.

Virginia Prohibits Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Virginia Makes Sexual Orientation Discrimination Illegal

Independent Contractors and Non-Compete Agreements

Independent Contractors and Non-Compete Agreements in Virginia

Non-Compete Agreements in Virginia for Independent Contractors

Non-compete agreements in Virginia for Independent Contractors

Severance Agreements in Virginia

Severance Agreement Tips in Virginia

Filing Sexual Harassment Complaints in Virginia

Filing complaints of sexual harassment for Virginia employees.

Final Wages Owed to Virginia Employees Must Be Paid

In Virginia, final wages to former employees must be paid in a timely manner.

Fairfax County Office of Human Rights Complaints

This article discusses the legal issues that arise for employees in Fairfax County filing discrimination complaints before the Fairfax County Office of Human Rights.

Employee Access to Personnel Files in Virginia

This article discusses the ability of employees in Virginia to review and/or obtain a copy of their personnel file.

Virginia Non-Compete Agreements for Employees

This article discusses the legal issues that arise for Virginia employees faced with signing a non-compete agreement.

Wrongful Termination in Virginia

A number of legal issues arise for Virginia employees when they face wrongful termination.

8 Tips When Facing Virginia Employment Law Problems

It is important for employees who are experiencing workplace problems in Virginia to keep focused while issues are developing and to follow 8 general guidelines.

Virginia’s Grievance Process for State Employees

Employees who are employed by an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia and file an initial grievance to resolve an employment dispute will proceed through a 3-step grievance process.

If you wish to explore legal representation, please call our office or use this form to inquire about our consultation process.

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11700 Plaza America Drive
Suite 305
Reston, VA 20190

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