Virginia Severance Agreement Lawyers
Virginia Severance Agreement Lawyers Representing Employees in Negotiations for Over 25 Years

Severance agreement lawyers in Virginia
Our severance agreement lawyers regularly negotiate severance agreements with employers in Virginia and the District of Columbia. Severance agreements are essentially contracts that compensate an employee in exchange for them leaving their employment. These agreements also can provide other helpful terms to individuals, such as references. We recommend that employees consult with an experienced severance agreement attorney in Virginia before signing an agreement. Each state is different and it is important to have counsel familiar with the severance agreement process in Virginia for employees working within the state.
The Severance Negotiations Process
After meeting with a severance agreement attorney at our firm we assess your case. A severance agreement is a contract between an employee and an employer that specifies the terms of an employment departure. Severance agreements are also offered to employees who are laid off or facing retirement. Depending on the circumstances, a severance agreement may be offered to an employee who resigns or is terminated. If not offered, sometimes a severance agreement can be sought through negotiations. In some cases, the severance agreement process can be resolved through simple talks between your lawyer and the company’s lawyer. For other types of cases, mediation may be a possibility.
Potential Severance Agreement Terms
Some of the possible terms to consider in a Virginia severance agreement may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Financial terms, tax consequences, and timing of severance payments
- Continuation of employment benefits
- Rights to unemployment compensation
- Claims to be waived
- Confidentiality
- Non-Disparagement
- Re-employment possibilities
- Scope of non-competition
- Preservation of trade secrets
- References
- Recommendation letters
- Applicable law
Before signing a severance agreement, the employee should consult with an attorney to discuss the rights that he or she may be waiving and the terms included. Our employment attorneys negotiate, edit and draft agreements for clients.
Non-Compete Agreements or Clauses
As part of the severance agreement process, non-compete agreement issues may arise. A non-compete agreement is basically a written agreement in which an employee agrees not to leave an employer and then compete for the same business when they leave their employment. Typically, non-compete clauses are inserted in employment agreements by an employer during the hiring process. Common characteristics of non-compete agreements include duration of the non-competition period, limits as to competition for certain customers, and the geographic boundaries of the non-competition area. There are many ongoing changes in this area of law.
When entering into a non-compete agreement or when questions arise as a result of one, it is very important to seek legal advice before signing this type of agreement or when questions of enforcement arise. We can further assist with editing, drafting, and negotiating non-compete agreements as well as responding to cease and desist letters from employers seeking to enforce their non-compete agreements.
Contact Us for Representation
We offer a full set of legal services to protect your rights in the severance agreement and non-compete process. We offer assistance in negotiating with your Virginia employer in these matters. To schedule an initial consultation with one of our Virginia severance agreement lawyers, please contact us at (703) 668-0070 or by visiting our website’s contact us page.